Those with the responsibility of hiring new employees can find it to be a daunting task. Finding quality candidates, sorting through responses, conducting interviews and employee onboarding can be overwhelming process. It’s no wonder then why making the process easier and more efficient is a hot topic. If you are hiring staff in 2017, here are three tips that will help you be more successful.

Utilize a Staffing Firm

Colorado staffing firms employed over 200,000 workers in 2015. More than half of placed candidates felt using a staffing agency helped them to find a permanent position and be more desirable to employers. Because a staffing firm does so many placements over the course of a year, they are truly specialists and result in high quality candidates. They also take over the stressful beginning process of hiring including ad placement, resume and applicant screening and even setting up interviews. Learn more about why companies choose AimHire for their staffing and hiring needs.

Leverage Social Media

Nearly 80 percent of job seekers use social media in their search. The Millennial population uses social media at an even higher rate. Social media creates credibility and social proof, while also tapping into a pool of high quality candidates who may not be “active seekers”.

For example, if a position opens in your company and you share a post on social media about it, your circle of friends may consider the position even if they aren’t seeking employment because the position may offer more than their current job. Additionally, they are likely to share the post to their circles because it is a benefit to their friends and family, gaining more exposure not just for the position, but also the business in general.

Be Found on Mobile

Recent statistics show 45 percent of job seekers use their mobile devices to search for jobs at least once every day.

Not only are job seekers using their mobile device to search job boards and career sites, they are researching the hiring companies, for reviews, salary expectations and company values. Potential clients are also reviewing social media on their mobile devices, which points back to the value in point two above. Bottom line, your vacancy needs to be found online by those who are looking for what you have to offer.

AimHire is a Denver employment agency looking to pair enthusiastic and knowledgeable candidates with quality employers. Contact us today to learn more about how a staffing company can support your goals by pairing you with top talent using today’s best practices including leveraging social media and mobile search.


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