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Gratitude is a big part of our culture. At AimHire we are always thankful for our wonderful clients and candidates, as well as our internal team. Each week, we collect and share all of the “Thank You” notes that we receive and reflect on why we love doing what we do. So thank you for taking time to thank us!

In 2018, we held a contest to see how fast we could collect 200 “Thank You” notes for a grand prize of two Southwest Airline tickets to anywhere in the United States.  Erika Stuntz, Manager of Client and Recruitment was our winner!   

 Erika and Rachel traveled to Puerto Rico in December.  Some of the highlights included; exploring the city, culture and night life.  They also toured the historical streets of old San Juan, swam in the waterfall of El Yunque, went snorkeling at Flamenco beach and enjoyed a catamaran trip to the island Icasos!

In 2019, we hope to receive many more “Thank You” notes, share more exciting travel trips that our employees get to experience, and to continue doing what we love to do.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.”- Melody Beattle

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