The Sexy Strikers - Our DTC Team     

     Last week, the entire AimHire team met at Moe’s BBQ for a night of delicious food and intense bowling. We geared up for a showdown: two games, Downtown vs. DTC, may the best office win. The DTC team had secretly made shirts for everyone, complete with team names. DTC was the “Sexy Strikers,” and Downtown was the “Gutter Girls.” Downtown was very unhappy with their team name, but only became more determined to defeat DTC in revenge.

     The first game was a clear victory for DTC. Amanda Cline, DTC’s Staffing Coordinator, was on fire and smoked everyone with no exceptions. Downtown didn’t stand a chance and ended the game 29 points behind.

The Gutter Girls and Joe of the Bowling Stones - Our Downtown Team

     The second game was a complete role reversal. Downtown made an epic comeback, and high fives were shared all around. We forgot about the pulled pork and potato salad as we focused on our game. Everyone agreed that Raissa Chacon, one of the founders of AimHire, won the award for most perfect form.

      After hours of laughter, bbq, and strikes, spares, and gutter balls, we calculated the winner. Between both games, there was a difference of only three points, but DTC barely managed to defend their first win. The Sexy Strikers were victorious!

      AimHire is a lot like a family, and we love spending time just having fun together. Stay tuned for more of our adventures! 

The Best Team in Denver!

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